250+ Memento Mori Tattoos to Help Treat Each Day as a Gift

Last update: February 29, 2024

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  • 250+ Memento Mori Tattoos to Help Treat Each Day as a Gift

Memento Mori tattoos have become increasingly popular in recent years, with many people choosing to ink themselves with reminders of their mortality as a way to live each day to the fullest. These tattoos feature images and symbols that serve as powerful reminders of the transitory nature of life and the inevitability of death. In this article, we've compiled over 250 Memento Mori tattoo designs to inspire you to treat each day as a gift and make the most of the time you have. From skulls and hourglasses to macabre imagery and poignant quotes, there's a Memento Mori tattoo for everyone.

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what does Memento Mori mean?

Memento Mori" is a Latin phrase that translates to "Remember that you will die" or "Remember your mortality." It's often used as a reminder to live life to the fullest and not take anything for granted because life is fleeting and death is inevitable. The phrase has been used for centuries in various forms of art, literature, and philosophy as a way to contemplate the nature of life, death, and the human condition.

what does Memento Mori tattoo symbolize?

Memento Mori tattoos often feature images or symbols that remind the wearer of their mortality and the impermanence of life. Some common motifs in Memento Mori tattoos include skulls, hourglasses, skeletons, and other macabre imagery.

The tattoo can serve as a reminder to live life to the fullest, appreciate the present moment, and not take anything for granted. It can also be a symbol of acceptance of the inevitability of death and a way to confront and overcome one's fears and anxieties about death.

In some cases, a Memento Mori tattoo may be a tribute to a loved one who has passed away or a way to honor the memory of someone who has influenced the wearer's life. Ultimately, the meaning of a Memento Mori tattoo can vary depending on the individual and their personal beliefs and experiences.

History and Origin of the Memento Mori

Memento Mori has a long history, and its origins can be traced back to ancient Rome. The concept of Memento Mori was first used in Roman times as a reminder of the fragility of life and the inevitability of death. It was often depicted in the form of sculptures, paintings, and mosaics. The phrase "Memento Mori" itself is Latin and translates to "Remember that you will die" or "Remember your mortality."

During the medieval period, the concept of Memento Mori became more widespread, and it was often used in Christian art as a reminder of the transitory nature of earthly life and the need to prepare for the afterlife. Medieval paintings often depicted the Grim Reaper, skeletons, and other macabre imagery, emphasizing the theme of death.

In the 16th and 17th centuries, Memento Mori became a popular motif in European art and literature, with many famous writers and artists incorporating it into their work. For example, Shakespeare's Hamlet includes the famous line, "Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio: a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy: he hath borne me on his back a thousand times; and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! My gorge rises at it. Here hung those lips that I have kissed I know not how oft. Where be your gibes now? Your gambols? Your songs? Your flashes of merriment, that were wont to set the table on a roar? Not one now, to mock your own grinning? quite chap-fallen? Now get you to my lady's chamber, and tell her, let her paint an inch thick, to this favour she must come; make her laugh at that."

In contemporary times, Memento Mori has become a popular tattoo design, often featuring skulls, hourglasses, and other symbols of mortality. The tattoo serves as a reminder to live life to the fullest and not take anything for granted.

Overall, Memento Mori has a rich history and has been used as a powerful reminder of the transitory nature of life and the inevitability of death.

Best memento mori tattoo Ideas and their meanings

There are many different ways to design a memento mori tattoo. Some people keep their designs simple, while others prefer something more elaborate.

Here are some popular memento mori tattoo designs:

Skull memento mori tattoos: Skulls are perhaps the most popular image associated with memento mori tattoos. They remind us of our mortality and the transitory nature of life.

Skull memento mori tattoos

Hourglass memento mori tattoos: the sand trickling through the glass body is an image that reflects the time in constant motion. As time goes by, we all get older; the older we get, the sooner we are to death. 

Hourglass memento mori tattoos

Rose memento mori tattoos: A rose symbolizes beauty but also has a dark meaning associated with death. Roses are often used in funerals and gravesites, which makes them the perfect choice for a memento mori tattoo.

Rose memento mori tattoos

Cross memento mori tattoos: The cross is a symbol of Christianity and a reminder of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. This tattoo can represent both the triumph over death and the inevitability of our own mortality.

Cross memento mori tattoos

Memento mori tarot card tattoo: Memento mori cards were popular in the Victorian era and featured images of death or mortality. These tattoos are a nod to that period and can be beautiful and ornate.

memento mori tarot card tattoo

There are endless possibilities when it comes to memento mori tattoos. These are just some of the most popular designs that people choose. If you're thinking about

Best memento mori tattoo placement ideas

Your memento mori tattoo placement is just as important as the design itself. Here are some ideas to consider:

Wrist memento Mori tattoo: A wrist tattoo is a great choice if you want something small and discreet. It can also be easily covered up if needed.

Wrist memento Mori tattoo

Ankle memento Mori tattoo: An ankle tattoo is another great choice for a small and discreet design.

Ankle memento Mori tattoo

Back memento Mori tattoo: A back tattoo is a good choice if you want something more visible. It can also be easily covered up if needed.

Back memento Mori tattoo

Neck memento Mori tattoo: A neck tattoo is a good choice if you want something that is visible and will make a statement.

Neck memento Mori tattoo

There are many different placement options for memento mori tattoos. It all depends on your personal preference and the design of the tattoo.

People Also Ask:

What does memento mori mean?

Memento mori is a Latin phrase that translates to "Remember death" or "Remember you must die." It reminds us of our mortality and the transitory nature of life.

What is the origin of memento mori?

The term "memento mori" came from the theory and practices surrounding death and mortality. It became associated with death in the 1800s when it was often used on gravestones.

What are some popular memento mori tattoo designs?

Some popular memento mori tattoo designs include skulls, hourglasses, roses, crosses, and memento mori cards.

What is the best placement for a memento mori tattoo?

The best placement for a memento mori tattoo depends on your personal preference and the design of the tattoo. Some good options include the wrist, ankle, back, and neck.

How much does a memento mori tattoo cost?

The cost of a memento mori tattoo will vary depending on the size, complexity, and placement. Expect to pay anywhere from $50 to $500 for your tattoo.

What does "Memento Mori" mean in Latin?

"Memento Mori" is a Latin phrase that translates to "Remember that you will die" or "Remember your mortality."

How do you pronounce "Memento Mori"?

The pronunciation of "Memento Mori" is [muh-men-toh mawr-ee], with the stress on the second syllable of both words.

Who said "Memento Mori"?

The origins of "Memento Mori" as a phrase are unclear, as it has been used throughout history by various individuals and cultures. However, it is often attributed to the Stoic philosophers of ancient Rome who emphasized the need to contemplate one's mortality as a way to live a more fulfilling life.

What does "Memento Vivere" mean?

"Memento Vivere" is a Latin phrase that translates to "Remember to live" or "Remember that you must live." It is often used in conjunction with "Memento Mori" as a reminder to live life to the fullest and not take anything for granted because life is fleeting and death is inevitable.

Watch A Time-Lapse Video Of A Memento Mori Tattoo Done By A Pro:

250+Popular Memento Mori Tattoo Ideas For Your Inspiration

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Final thoughts

Memento mori tattoos are a beautiful and unique way to remember our own mortality. They can be designed in many different ways and placed in various locations. If you're thinking about getting a memento mori tattoo, choose a design and placement that is meaningful to you.

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