100+ Hades Tattoo Ideas That Scare Even The Underworld Gods

Last update: February 29, 2024

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  • 100+ Hades Tattoo Ideas That Scare Even The Underworld Gods

Welcome to the realm of the shadows, where mystery meets symbolism, and the mystical allure of the underworld comes to life. In this article, we delve into the depth of Hades tattoo designs - a symbol of power, transition, and resilience that would send shivers down the spines of even the underworld gods themselves. These designs draw their inspiration from Hades, the enigmatic and formidable Greek god of the underworld, ruler of the realm of the dead, and the embodiment of life's inevitable end.

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Who is Hades?

Hades is a figure from ancient Greek mythology. He is one of the twelve Olympian gods and is the god of the underworld, which is also often referred to as "Hades." Hades is the son of the Titans Cronus and Rhea, and the brother of Zeus and Poseidon.

When the three brothers overthrew their father Cronus, they divided the world among themselves. Zeus took the sky, Poseidon took the seas, and Hades was left with the underworld. This is where the souls of the dead reside after death. Hades' role was to judge these souls and assign them their place in the underworld.

Despite his grim role, Hades was not viewed as an evil figure in Greek mythology. Instead, he was mostly seen as stern, fair, and a somewhat distant god. His main concern was maintaining order in his realm and ensuring none of his subjects ever left.

Hades is often depicted with his three-headed dog Cerberus, who guards the entrance to the underworld to prevent the dead from leaving. He also has a helmet or cap, made by the Cyclopes, that makes the wearer invisible. This cap helped the gods in their battle against the Titans.

One of the most famous myths involving Hades is the abduction of Persephone, the daughter of Demeter, the goddess of agriculture. Hades fell in love with Persephone and abducted her to live with him in the underworld. Demeter's grief caused all crops on Earth to die, leading to the first winter. Eventually, a compromise was reached where Persephone would spend part of the year in the underworld with Hades, and part of the year on Earth with her mother. This myth is often used to explain the change of seasons in the ancient Greek world.

What does Hades tattoo symbolize?

A Hades tattoo can symbolize a variety of things, depending on one's personal interpretation and the specific elements included in the design. Here are some common interpretations:

Acceptance of Mortality: As Hades is the god of the underworld and ruler of the realm of the dead, a tattoo of him can be a reminder of the inevitability of death and the importance of valuing life while it lasts.

Transition and Change: Hades' role in guiding souls into the afterlife can also symbolize transformation, transitions, and changes in life. This could be a representation of major life changes or personal growth.

Justice and Fairness: In Greek mythology, Hades is seen as a stern but fair judge of souls. Therefore, a Hades tattoo can symbolize justice, fairness, and balance.

Resistance and Resilience: Given that Hades lives in a realm often associated with darkness and adversity, a Hades tattoo can also represent resilience in the face of difficulties, or the ability to resist negative influences.

Love and Devotion: The story of Hades and Persephone is one of enduring love, despite its complicated origins. A tattoo featuring Hades (particularly if paired with Persephone) might symbolize a deep, unyielding love or devotion.

Remember, tattoos are personal and subjective, and the meanings can vary greatly based on individual experiences and beliefs. If you're considering a Hades tattoo, it's best to think about what aspects of his mythology resonate most with you.

best Hades tattoo ideas and their meanings

There are many ways to depict Hades in a tattoo. Here are some ideas and the meanings behind them:

A simple portrait of Hades

This can represent death, the underworld, or evil.

Portrait of Hades

Hades with Persephone

This represents death, rebirth, and eternal love.

Hades with Persephone

A portrait of Hades with fire

This represents the god's power and rage.

Portrait of Hades with fire

Hades Helmet Tattoo

The Helm of Darkness was a gift from the Titans to Hades. It made him invisible and allowed him to travel between the world of the living and the dead. This tattoo represents darkness, shadows, and despair.

Hades Helmet Tattoo

Cerberus Tattoo

Cerberus is the three-headed dog that guards the entrance to the underworld. This tattoo represents death, rebirth, and protection.

Cerberus Tattoo

Why should you get a Hades tattoo?

Hades is a powerful and popular figure in Greek mythology. His tattoos represent death, rebirth, darkness, shadows, despair, and even love. If you're looking for a tattoo with deep meaning, consider getting a Hades tattoo. You won't regret it!

General Breakdown Of Tattoo Pain Levels On Different Body Parts

Here is a breakdown of the different tattoo pain levels:

  • Low: This level of pain is generally described as a mild discomfort or tickling sensation. It is similar to the sensation of getting a light scratch or scrape.
  • Moderate: This level of pain is generally described as a moderate discomfort or aching sensation. It is similar to the sensation of getting a deep scratch or scrape or being pinched.
  • High: This level of pain is generally described as a strong discomfort or throbbing sensation. It is similar to the sensation of getting a burn or being stung by a bee.

It's important to note that pain tolerance is highly individual and can vary greatly from person to person. Some people may find certain body parts more or less painful than others, and the same body part can be more or less painful for different people. Additionally, the level of pain can be affected by factors such as the size and location of the tattoo, the skill of the tattoo artist, and the individual's own pain threshold.

Tattoo placement pain level chart

Body Part

Pain Level




The forehead has few nerve endings, so it is not a particularly painful area.



The eyebrows have few nerve endings, so the pain level is relatively low.



The ear is a relatively thin and fleshy area, so the pain level is low.



The nostril is a small area with thin skin, so the pain level is low.


Low to Moderate

The lip has more nerve endings than some other areas, so it may be slightly more painful.


Low to Moderate

The cheek has a moderate amount of nerve endings, so it may be slightly more painful.



The neck has a moderate amount of nerve endings, so it may be slightly more painful.


Moderate to High

The chest has a high concentration of nerve endings, so it can be quite painful.



The abdomen has a high concentration of nerve endings, so it can be quite painful.



The back has a high concentration of nerve endings, so it can be quite painful.



The shoulders have a high concentration of nerve endings, so they can be quite painful.

Upper Arms

Moderate to High

The upper arms have a moderate to high concentration of nerve endings, so they can be somewhat painful.



The elbows have a high concentration of nerve endings, so they can be quite painful.



The forearms have a moderate concentration of nerve endings, so they are not as painful as some other areas.



The hands have a high concentration of nerve endings, so they can be quite painful.

Lower Arms

Low to Moderate

The lower arms have a lower concentration of nerve endings, so they are not as painful as some other areas.



The wrists have a low concentration of nerve endings, so they are not very painful.

Lower Back


The lower back has a high concentration of nerve endings, so it can be quite painful.



The buttocks have a high concentration of nerve endings, so they can be quite painful.



The thighs have a high concentration of nerve endings, so they can be quite painful.



The knees have a high concentration of nerve endings, so they can be quite painful.


Low to Moderate

The calves have a low to moderate concentration of nerve endings, so they are not as painful as some other areas.



The ankles have a low concentration of nerve endings, so they are not very painful.

Tattoo aftercare tips

Before getting a tattoo:

  1. Choose a reputable tattoo artist and parlor. Research the artist's portfolio and read reviews from previous clients.

  2. Consult with the artist about the design and placement of the tattoo.

  3. Make sure you are in good health. If you have any medical conditions or are taking any medications that may affect your ability to heal, be sure to let your tattoo artist know.

  4. Consider using a numbing cream to reduce pain during the tattooing process. These creams contain a numbing agent (such as lidocaine) that can be applied to the skin before the tattoo is done. It's important to follow the instructions on the numbing cream and to only use it as directed.

  5. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and other substances that can thin your blood for at least 24 hours before getting a tattoo.

  6. Eat a healthy meal before your tattoo session to ensure that your blood sugar is stable.

  7. Wear loose, comfortable clothing that allows easy access to the area being tattooed.

After getting a tattoo:

  1. Follow the aftercare instructions provided by your tattoo artist. These may include:

  • Keeping the tattoo clean and covered with a bandage for the first few hours after getting tattooed.

  • Washing the tattoo with lukewarm water and a mild soap (such as unscented, antimicrobial soap) and patting it dry with a clean towel.

  • Applying a thin layer of tattoo ointment or lotion (such as A&D or Aquaphor) to the tattoo and covering it with a clean bandage or wrap.

  • Repeating this process for the first few days, or until the tattoo has fully scabbed over.

  1. Avoid soaking the tattoo in water for the first week, such as in a bath or pool.

  2. Avoid picking or scratching at the scabs, as this can cause the tattoo to fade or become infected.

  3. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight or tanning beds for at least 2-4 weeks.

  4. If you experience any redness, swelling, or unusual discharge, contact your tattoo artist or a healthcare professional.

Overall, it's important to keep your tattoo clean and moisturized during the healing process to ensure that it heals properly and looks its best. Using a numbing cream can help reduce pain during the tattooing process, but it's important to use it as directed and to follow all aftercare instructions to ensure that your tattoo heals properly.

People Also Ask:

What is Hades the god of?

Hades is the Greek god of the underworld. He is often depicted as a dark and brooding figure, and his symbolism lends itself well to tattoos. Hades was the son of Cronus and Rhea and the brother of Zeus and Poseidon. He was not originally evil, but after being tricked by Zeus into eating a pomegranate, he was condemned to spend the rest of eternity in the underworld.

What does Hades symbolize?

Because Hades is the underworld god, he often symbolizes death and rebirth. He can also represent darkness, shadows, and despair. However, Hades is not all bad. He is also a just god who punishes evil-doers. This makes him a popular figure for tattoos representing both good and evil.

What weapon does Hades have?

Hades has several weapons, but his most famous is the Helm of Darkness. The Helm of Darkness was a gift from the Titans to Hades. It made him invisible and allowed him to travel between the world of the living and the dead. This tattoo represents darkness, shadows, and despair.

What does Cerberus represent?

Cerberus is the three-headed dog that guards the entrance to the underworld. This tattoo represents death, rebirth, and protection.

Why is Hades symbol a scepter?

The scepter or cornucopia represents wealth and fertility, which Hades has in abundance. He is also often shown holding a pomegranate, a symbol of death and rebirth.

What does the pomegranate represent to Hades?

The pomegranate is a symbol of death and rebirth. It represents the promise of life after death and is also a reminder of the time Hades spent in the underworld with Persephone.

What is the difference between Hades and Pluto?

Hades is the Greek god of the underworld, while Pluto is the Roman god of the underworld. Both gods are associated with death and rebirth, but their symbols and stories differ. Hades is often portrayed as a dark and evil god, while Pluto is usually shown as a more benevolent figure.

What is Hades wife's name?

Hades' wife is Persephone, the goddess of spring. This tattoo represents death and rebirth, as well as eternal love.

What is the difference between Hades and Zeus?

Hades is the Greek god of the underworld, while Zeus is the king of the gods. Both are powerful figures in Greek mythology, but their stories and symbols differ. Hades is often portrayed as a dark and evil god, while Zeus is shown as a more benevolent figure.

What does the number three represent to Hades?

The number three is a powerful symbol in Greek mythology. It represents the trinity of gods: Hades, Demeter, and Persephone. It also symbolizes death, rebirth, and the cycle of life.

Watch A Time-Lapse Video Of A Hades Tattoo Done By A Pro:

100+ Hades Tattoo Designs And Ideas For All Anime Lovers

Final thoughts

Hades is a popular figure in Greek mythology, and his tattoos can represent death, rebirth, darkness, shadows, despair, and even love. If you're looking for a tattoo with deep meaning, consider getting a Hades tattoo. You won't regret it!

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